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OT Office of vaccine saftey disbanded by trump

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Nov 27, 2020, 3:07:16 PM11/27/20


Nov 28, 2020, 7:14:35 AM11/28/20
In, on Fri, 27 Nov 2020 15:07:08 -0500, micky
Recount in Milwaukee County puts Biden 132 more votes ahead.


Nov 28, 2020, 8:47:04 AM11/28/20
Yes, that cost the Trump campaign $3 mil. They didn't do any better in the federal courts
either. In the PA case the three judge panel tore them apart. The ruling said that you
can't just claim fraud, you need specific allegations and proof. This case has neither.
Ouch! The three judge panel was all Republican, the one who wrote the ruling, appointed
by Trump. Double ouch!! Team Trump immediately blasted the judges as activists,
part of the "machine". Rudy was happy, says now they can go to the SC. Seems
extremely unlikely the SC is even going to take such a case and hopefully that's what
happens, in another humiliation for Trump.

Did you see Trump telling reporters that Biden will try to take credit for the vaccine?
Trump said, "that was me". Which of course is mostly false. From what I saw, drug
companies around the world all started working on vaccines as soon as they had the
gene sequence, which China provided. The first vaccine was created in just two weeks.
The govt, including Trump, deserve credit for placing huge, billion dollar orders with
the drug companies, pre-ordering it, which allowed them to get production set up
and to start producing it in huge volume, risk free. But even that, the credit goes to
Congress and the president for passing the Covid legislation that provided the funding.
And that didn't really require a stroke of genius or some massive effort.

Trump should get credit if the distribution of the vaccine goes well. That is apparently
in the hands of his Warp Speed team, the one thing that they are clearly in charge of
doing. As to administering the vaccine, that's another story.
As usual, there is no Trump plan, he just punted it all to the states. And with all his lies
and disinformation, his attacks on the credibility of the CDC and it's science,
he's set up an environment of mistrust, which could result in a
lot of people refusing to get vaccinated. But we'll see what happens. Meanwhile,
the only thing "rounding the bend" is a Covid freight train that's going to create a
world of hurt in the next couple of months. We're on a path to 400K dead, maybe
500K, before Trump leaves office. Things are so bad at hospitals now that some states
are allowing Covid positive healthcare workers to work as long as they have no symptoms.

Junk Food Overdose

Dec 15, 2020, 7:12:01 AM12/15/20
On 11/28/20 8:46 AM, trader_4 wrote:
> Meanwhile,
> the only thing "rounding the bend" is a Covid freight train that's going to create a
> world of hurt in the next couple of months. We're on a path to 400K dead, maybe
> 500K, before Trump leaves office. Things are so bad at hospitals now that some states
> are allowing Covid positive healthcare workers to work as long as they have no symptoms.

It's no secret that eggs-with-legs die early. There is always the rare exception but most
of the covidead were overweight/obese and had one or more of the many refined carbohydrate
induced comorbidities.

A functional medicine doc and a cardiologist nailed it back in May.

It's clear to me that insulin-resistant donut eaters are the real problem.
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